Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sneaky Food Manufacturer's

Grocery shopping can be challenging if you aren't prepared and you don't take time to read labels.  I am trying very hard not to eat processed or prepared foods, as it is really hard to control what you are getting.  There are chemicals, sweeteners, and loads of sodium in so many prepared foods.  One rule of thumb is to stay away from foods that have more than 5-6 ingredients in them, as well anything you can't pronounce!
During a recent shopping trip, I noticed some individual fruit cups that looked good.  I thought they might be a quick, single serving I could take for lunches or quick snacks at work.  In reading the label of the item that stated "no added sugar" in big letters on the front, I flipped over the package and guess what?  One of the main ingredients was sucralose.  Do you know what sucralose is?  It's an artificial sweetener.  Ok, so technically it's not sugar.  I think this is deceptive advertising and the laws on food labels should be changed.  They should have to say "no added sweeteners" no matter what kind of sweetener it its...sugar, honey, sucralose (also known as Splenda), aspartame, Stevia, etc.

Have you been following the Biggest Loser?  Have you heard them talking about different brands and kinds of lean protein?  I was going to purchase ground turkey to use in place of ground beef in sloppy joe's and chili.  Guess what?  You got it, "natural flavorings" or rosemary extract are added to almost all packaged ground turkey.  I know it costs more, but go to your butcher and ask them to grind a boneless, skinless turkey breast for you.  This way, you aren't getting skin and fat in your turkey and no other added flavorings.  If I want stuff in my food, I'll add it!

Ever think you'll skip the regular box of cookies and go for low-fat version?  There are typically added sugar and/or salt.  Fat adds flavor to things, and when you take out the fat you have to put something back in to make it taste good.  And don't think low-fat is a license to eat more.  You defeat yourself by consuming more calories than you might have if you had just had a couple of the regular version.  Take home your treat, open it up and divide them into single serving lunch or snack bags.  This is much less expensive than the prepackaged single servings of cookies, crackers, etc.

My best suggestion to you is to skip the process foods and shop the perimeter of the grocery.  It's where all the healthy stuff resides...veggies, fruit, meat/poultry, fish and dairy.  Put your blinders on if you go down an isle in the mid section of the store.  Don't look around, run down the isle and grab the item you need and leave.  Don't let temptation derail your good efforts!  

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