Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Quick Update...

How are things, how are you, what's going on you with you?  Many of you have asked me these questions recently....I'm good, thanks for asking!

You don't realize what hearing the words 'It's cancer' will mean to you or how it will impact your life. It changes you, no matter how much you try not to let it impact your thoughts and life.  It changes how people look at you and how some treat you.  But it's ok!  Some days are easier than others, and I'm still dealing with my diagnosis and am somewhat in denial.  It's crazy, what do you mean I have cancer?  I'm working towards being a survivor at this point!  This is my story and my experience, and I'm sure not everybody has the same experience.

Two surgeries later, and RAI treatment...I'm doing well.  Tired beyond words, but I am vertical.  I'm breathing, living life and have a new appreciation for everyday.  Cliche...I know!  It's the little things that mean the most.  I make time to enjoy things and do what I want.  Guess what...the floors and laundry are going to be here tomorrow (and no my house isn't a disaster!) LOL!  Have I told you how much I love the pool and spending time with my friends???

People often don't know what to say or do when they find out someone they know or love has cancer, and that's ok.  I didn't know what to do or say or how to feel, and I'm the one with it.  (See...some days, I don't even want to say that crappy word either!  Cancer...freak'n cancer!)   I don't think there's a rule book or a set of guidelines.  Just be yourself, and be understanding - that's my advice.  There are going to be good days and bad days.  There are going to be days when it's all you can do to take a shower and go to work. 

What have I learned...be patient and be persistent!  Let me say that again...be patient and be persistent!  Give yourself a break and when you don't feel you are getting the answers or care you need, or think your treatment is not what it should be...seek other help!  You have to be our own advocate.  I've also learned no matter how fit you are (and I was pretty fit going into this ordeal), multiple surgeries and treatment can leave you feeling weak physically and emotionally.  Don't let this discourage you!  You have to keep fueling your body with good nutrition and stay active.  Easier said than done, and I am guilty of slacking in both departments.  And guess what, that's ok!  I'm back on track, fueling my body well and hitting the gym.  

Lastly, surround yourself with positive, supportive people!  I can't tell you how much the kindness and love of so many great friends and my family has meant to me through this ordeal!  Words do no express my appreciate to each and every one of you!!!

This is just a small hurdle in the game of life for me.  I'm back on the track training.  Not sure my high school friend, Keeven White knows it or not, but he said it best - 'Cancer picked the wrong girl!' Boy was he right!!!  Thank you for making me smile, Keeven!  And for motivating me to keep up my fight!  

To all of you, I wish you good healthy and fitness!  As my beautiful sister would say...TTFN!

Monday, April 13, 2015

I came to a round-about in my journey...but that's not going to stop me!

Over the course of the past couple years, I started this blog for my own benefit, as much as the hope of maybe helping inspire someone else who might be struggling with their journey to be fit and healthy.  One of the key things I've always said is you need to find what works for you, know your body, and listen to it...it will talk to you.  Well, mine talked to me.  It kind of started screaming!

Before Christmas, I had what I thought was a cold and a cough that then persisted.  I tried some things, worked with my family doctor, and I just couldn't shake the darn thing.  Knowing something just wasn't right, I saw an ENT to try and figure this thing out.  Through some testing and etc., and after some surgery a little over a week ago, I got the news nobody wants to hear.  I am taking a little round-about on my journey.  

I debated - do I share this news?  Do I write about my feelings, my fear, my fight, how mad I am I've worked so hard to get fit and healthy...and now my this?  Yep!  It's good therapy.  And if it gets one of you to listen to your damn body and what it's telling you, it's worth it! 

I am not going to share the intimate details, but I have cancer.  And don't anybody go getting teared up, I am going to be fine!  I don't want pity, I don't want sympathy, what I want is for you to listen to your body and be well.  We caught this early, it's totally treatable, and I'm a fighter!  I've got this, y'all!!! (Good thing I'm full of piss and vinegar, as my mom would say!  Haha!)  

My point is twofold...the first is, you know when something's not quite right.  Listen to your body and see the doctor.  Secondly, you can't let a little round-about take you back to where you started. You double knot your laces and keep going!