It has been a while since my last post and many of you have asked me what's going on with my blog. Plain and simple - I've let the pressures of life get to me in recent months, instead of working through them and keeping my focus. So today's blog is about my journey to dust myself off and get back on the bike, as well as challenge myself and you to do the same!
There are days where I would much rather sleep in, go out with my friends, or simply sit on the sofa as opposed to working out. There are days when pizza or chocolate are the only things that will do, or I've let myself be drawn in by "oh, a little piece won't hurt you"...and there have been many days where I have done exactly that. Have I been my own worst critic? Been beating myself up over it? Continued to sit on my doopa and eat junk? Yes, yes, and yes! Do you find yourself doing the same? Has your mojo got up and gone? Well it's time to get it back!
We've all experienced times in our life where we've been sidetracked and it's time to get focused! It is time to get off my doopa and get busy. You can't change my life, but I sure can! Do I know eating clean, healthy, fresh foods are what my body needs? Is it common knowledge you should get 30 minutes of exercise daily? Do I know the average body needs at least 8-10 glasses of water a day? Did you know if you don't get at least 8 hours of sleep it can impact your metabolism? Sure I know all this. I just have to get back on the proverbial bike and put my knowledge to good use.
If I do the things I know I should, my energy will return and I will feel better as a person and about myself. I find my journey to 'Fit & Fabulous' one which requires a daily awareness and concerted effort on my part. It is a path I know I have to stay on for the rest of my life. I know there are going to bumps in the road along the way...I am human. Sure you can do a crazy program and drop a bunch of weight or inches, but if you fall back into the old habits that got you there in the first place it is self defeating.
I must invest in my future. I am the gate keeper...the one who ultimately decides my success or failure. Well guess what...failure is NOT an option. Let me say that again for my own benefit...FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! No more crap food, no more caving in to peer pressure, no more sitting on my doopa when I know I want and need to get a workout in. Pure and simple, the 'say/do' ratio was just been up'd! Put your money where you mouth something positive and good for yourself. Set a goal, one that is challenging but attainable. What's your goal???
The goals I have set for myself are lofty but attainable. I have set short term goals for myself and a long term goal. What are your goals? And how will you reward yourself (and don't say with food or drinks out with your friends!)? Do you find writing your goals down where you see them every day is helpful? Do you find sharing your goals with a close friend, someone you trust is helpful? Does it motivate and keep you on track?
I bought a hot pink Post-It pad and stuck a note on the mirror in my bathroom this you know what is says? It says "Failure is not an option! You control your destiny! OWN IT!" There's another on the fridge above the ice/water that says "How many glasses is that today?" And there's another pinned to a great pair of designer jeans hanging from the bedroom door "You ARE Fabulous!"
Now to the challenge...I challenge you to do one thing every day this week for yourself. Be selfish! That can be going for a walk, riding your bike, going to the gym, telling a friend about your goals, start a journal, drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day, pack a healthy lunch instead of going out, cutting back on sugar...whatever it is you decide. I challenge you to do some something for yourself to make you a better you! Are you up for it? Who's with me??? Let's get back on the bike already!
I'm with ya Sister! Good for you for getting your mojo back! Looking forward to more blog posts, and to both of us getting back to it! :) Hugs!