Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goal Setting

Goal setting is one of the key components to a successful journey and is today's topic.

Setting a goal can be challenging.  Giving serious consideration to what you want to achieve and why will help your focus on you journey.   But...there's always a "but" in there.  How do you go about setting a goal?

Your goal should be clear, challenging, and realistic.  Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. We've all done this in one shape or form...hopefully we learn from our mistakes!  My goal is to be fit and healthy.  How do I plan to achieve that goal?  I plan to change my lifestyle and lose 30 pounds by July 15, 2011(that breaks down to 5 pounds a month and is achievable) through clean eating and regular exercise.  That's pretty clear and realistic, but how does that breakdown to daily living?  By setting smaller goals and rewarding myself for my achievements, I will achieve my ultimate goal.

Think of smaller goals as stepping stones along the way, helping you see progress and feel good about the changes you are making.  They help you stay on track, keep you motivated, and realize your goal is truly achievable.

Rather than trying to change everything at once, try setting one or two small goals each week.  One thing I struggle with is drinking enough water, which is so important to the body for many reasons (we'll talk about hydration in another post). This week my goal is to drink a minimum of 64 oz (that 8 - 8oz. glasses of water) per day.  My goal for the following week is to continue with my water and to eat clean all week.  Week 3 goal is to drink my water, eat clean, and to exercise 6 days.  You get the picture.  Think of your small goals as building a foundation, one block at a time.  Did you know it takes approximately 6 weeks to develop a new habit?  If you find you are struggling, call a friend.  Talking about your challenges can often help you get your hands around things and refocus on the task at hand.

Write your goals down and put them in a place where you see them every day.  Take a minute at the end of each week to review your progress and the next step in your journey.  It will help you "keep your eye on the prize"!  Be sure to reward yourself for achieving your mini goals.  If wellness, weight loss, or living a healthier lifestyle is your goal - a great reward for achieving your goals for the month might be a massage, a session with a personal trainer, new workout shoes, or a new piece of workout equipment - like a medicine ball.  The reward doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, but by choosing a reward that relates to your goal you are reinforcing the positive changes you have made.

Goal setting isn't something that you are just going to have a revelation about.  It is something you need to really give consideration to and put into play.  Be honest with yourself and set realistic goals that are achievable and you will find success.  This can be applied to many aspects of life!

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