Every body is different, no two perform or respond in the same way. There is no cookie-cutter program that works for every person out there. It seems like an over-simplified deduction, but it's what I have come to believe.
There are programs recommending you follow a low fat, low carb, no carb, grapefruit, vegan, or raw diet...you name it kind of program. Most of you who follow my blog are pretty health conscious and fitness minded. Many of you have researched different diets online, through fitness magazines, books, etc. Lord knows I've done my share of following crazy ideas and programs in the past. You'd have thought being a well educated woman, I would have learned this lesson long ago. I have struggled with my weight for a long time, and it's been a lot of trial and error on my part. I've done the "no added sugar" challenge, low-carb, low-fat, portion plans, and a few other programs. Guess what? I've come to the conclusion it's time to stop looking for a miracle, over-night solution and time to figure out what drives me to sabotage my best efforts. It's time to figure out what works for ME! And it's time for you to figure out what works for YOU!
I think the key to success in weight loss is acceptance. I think we have to accept we are all different and what works for you may not work for me and visa versa. I think I have finally learned my lesson - I know I am easily derailed by sweets and crackers. I feed my emotions. I can't have certain junk food items in my house. Moderation is key for me. I think by cutting out the things I really enjoy, I set myself up for failure - the exact opposite of what I was trying to achieve. I also need to find something constructive to do with my time when I am stressed. I have to take little bits and pieces from my experiences and what I have read, etc and figure out how to make it work for me.
Do I want to be super model thin? No.
Do I want to be 5'4? Hell yes, but let's be realistic. That one is out of my control.
Do I want to be fit, healthy, and dare I even say "sexy"? Of course I do! And those are achievable goals, and they are realistic goals! Another key to success...let's be realistic!
The question is, how do I achieve it? I have to find a happy medium on a number of levels...find what makes me happy, fuel my body well, sleep 7-8 hours, and workout regularly. I have to accept there are only so many hours in a day and there's only so much I can do. It, no matter what "it" is, has to be enough. A healthy balance is what I think many of us need to learn to achieve.
Life is a challenge, are you going to accept the challenge or are you going to submit to it? I am going to accept it and keep plugging away at it daily!
There's a quote that hits home with me, and I'll end this post with it.
"The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance." Nathaniel Branden
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